Merry Christmas...and time for a break.

I wanted to come to you today having written some insightful new post for Advent. I wanted to come with reflections on Isaiah or Luke or Matthew and bring a word of comfort and joy in the season.

But the truth is...I’m tired. Not just physically tired but soul tired. This year has probably been the most growing and stretching of my life spiritually and emotionally. For that I’m grateful—but because of that, I’m also worn out. I planned to take the week between Christmas and New Year’s off from doing any blogging or social media, and I’m realizing I need to start that break early. I don’t want to be part of a weary world that’s too busy to rejoice. 

So things will be quiet around here for a few weeks. I’ve got a handful of scheduled posts that will go up on my Facebook page, and I will still send out my December newsletter (sign up here to get that in your inbox on December 28!). But otherwise, here’s what I’ll be doing to finish out 2019:

  1. Spending time with family.

  2. Praying. I feel a bit at a crossroads with my writing, and I’m hoping to spend some time praying and reflecting on my next steps. 

  3. Reading fiction. I rarely read fiction. I need to dive into something that doesn’t require me to take notes. 

  4. Studying Scripture. I’ve been in the Psalms of Ascent lately, and I’m looking forward to study Psalm 121 more deeply. 

  5. Doing my 2020 Powersheets prep work. I’ve used Powersheets the last few years, and they’ve been an immensely helpful tool!

  6. Cooking for fun. 

  7. Slow writing. I want to write words I can sit with, words that don’t have a deadline, words that may go unseen, at least for now. 

  8. Sleeping. This may be the most ambitious of all my intentions, but bring on early bedtimes and afternoon naps with my kids. I’m ready for it. 

It’s a gift to be able to write in this crazy online space. I love being able to create recipes, share stories, and write about theology here, and I hope what you’ve read has nourished your soul. 

Thank you for reading, sharing, commenting, encouraging, and supporting me in so many ways. I’m so, so grateful for you. 

Have a Merry Christmas, and I’ll see you next year!

Sarah Hauser

I'm a wife, mom, writer, and speaker sharing biblical truth to nourish your souls–and the occasional recipe to nourish the body.

Take Life Off Your Shoulders [an encouragement for the new year]


A Prayer to the God Who Delivers [Psalm 120]