Looking for a speaker?
I’d love to join you at your next Bible study, women’s retreat, online event, podcast, or other gathering! I’m passionate about studying Scripture, and I love to weave together honest, personal stories with rich theology to teach biblical truth in a way that’s engaging and easy to understand.
Clip courtesy of Christ Community Church, St. Charles, IL

To contact Sarah about speaking or to be a guest on your podcast or other show, please fill out the form below. Please note that starting in July of 2024, Sarah will be based out of Charlotte, North Carolina.
Signature Messages
Psalm 131: Learning to Calm and Quiet Your Soul
Can we really have a “calm and quiet” soul, like the psalmist says in Psalm 131? Through examining how God made us to be finite, dependent, and deeply loved, this message offers a deep exhale and reminds us that even in chaos, we can experience calm and quiet in the arms of our God.
All Who Are Weary: Finding True Rest by Letting Go of Guilt, Insecurity, and Fear
If you’re feeling a deep weariness you can’t seem to shake, this message will help you find freedom and joy as you set down burdens you were never meant to carry and find rest in who Jesus is, what he’s done, and what he says about you.
Does This Even Matter?: Understanding the Eternal Significance of Your Everyday Work
Do you ever wonder if what you’re doing makes a difference? No matter what our “work” looks like, it’s easy to believe the lie that our ordinary lives can’t make an impact. This message will leave you inspired and encouraged to continue doing what God has called you to do, knowing that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.
Hope Through Lament: A Look at the Psalms
What does it mean to lament in the midst of trials, and how can lament actually be an act of hope? This message dives into specific psalms of lament and teaches us how to hold onto hope as we cry out to God in our pain.
All of these messages can be adjusted in length for one session or multiple sessions in a retreat setting. I am also regularly creating new content, and I would be happy to discuss additional topics to meet needs of your group.
Professional bio
Sarah J. Hauser is a writer and speaker living in the Chicago suburbs* with her husband, four kids, and overexcited rescue dog. Through theology, stories, and the occasional recipe, she helps others find nourishment for their souls. She loves cooking but rarely follows a recipe exactly, and you can almost always find her with a cup of coffee in hand.
Sarah completed her B.A. in Christian Education and Biblical and Theology Studies from Wheaton College as well as her M.A. from Wheaton in Intercultural Studies. She has written for Coffee + Crumbs, Risen Motherhood, The Rabbit Room, The Gospel Coalition, (in)courage, and more. Find her at sarahjhauser.com and on Instagram (@sarah.j.hauser). She released her first book, All Who Are Weary: Finding True Rest by Letting Go of the Burdens You Were Never Meant to Carry, in 2023.
*Please note: Starting July, 2024, Sarah will be based out of Charlotte, NC.