The Mundane Matters, Raspberry-Lemon Muffins, And This Year’s C+C Brunch

Last year around this time, the Coffee + Crumbs team brainstormed how we’d “pivot” our annual Mother’s Day Brunch. We ended up taking the brunch where everything else went: online. We laughed, cried, sat in front of our screens eating breakfast for one and drinking solo mugs of coffee, brunching via Zoom. 

It was not what we originally planned, but we are moms. We know how to adapt. We know how to change a diaper in the back of the minivan with only Chick-Fil-A napkins found in the car door to use as wipes. We know how to pull out leftovers from the fridge and pantry, cut them into small bites and proudly proclaim, “It’s snack dinner tonight!” We know how to convince our hurting preschooler that his doctor visit is going to be a fun date with mom (or at least it will end with donuts). 

We adapted last year, and we thought (naively, we now see) that in 2021, we would equip everyone to host an epic meal—the brunch to end all brunches—the biggest celebration where women could fill their homes with as many moms as possible and deck their table with as much breakfast food it could fit. 

But alas, here we are. It’s 2021, and while we’re seeing some light at the end of the pandemic tunnel, things are not back to what they once were. Yet after a year of isolation, a year of struggle, a year of heartache and grief and questions and unknowns, we are more desperate than ever for connection. After a year of social distancing, quarantining, and virtual living, it’s all the more important that we make space to say to one another, “I see you, you are not alone, and this work that so often feels mundane ... well, it matters.”

Continue reading, get the muffin recipe, and learn more about the brunch at Coffee + Crumbs.

Get the recipe for these Raspberry-Lemon Muffins and learn more about the C+C brunch over at Coffee + Crumbs!

Sarah Hauser

I'm a wife, mom, writer, and speaker sharing biblical truth to nourish your souls–and the occasional recipe to nourish the body.

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I Don't Even Want a Houseplant [and other motherhood confessions]