Coffee Mule [cocktail and mocktail versions!]
Happy New Year! I’m sure almost everyone says this, but I can’t believe it’s already the end of the year. It’s been a good year, a hard year, a whirlwind of a year, and everything in between.
This afternoon, I snuck out and spent a couple hours reflecting. (By the way, I use the Cultivate What Matters PowerSheets Intentional Goal Planner to do this. I cannot recommend this tool highly enough!) I jotted down highlights from each month, areas I grew in, and challenges that came up along the way. I leafed through my 2018 planner and wrote down ideas as I looked ahead to 2019. This focused time of reflection has become absolutely essential for me for a number of reasons—the main one being that it’s helped me practice gratitude for how God worked. When I don’t write things down, I don’t remember them, and physically looking back on goals, progress, events, and milestones helped me see growth that happened little by little.
Around this time every year, I feel frazzled and tired. I often feel like the year flew by with little fanfare and minuscule progress. Without taking time to actually reflect on the year, those feelings of weariness and discouragement scream loudly. But God once again showed he’s good. He taught me that “accomplishment” sometimes means getting things checked off a list, but other times it simply means tiny steps of growth that maybe no one else sees. And both the check marks and the baby steps warrant celebration and gratitude.
I’m tired, yes. But I have much to be thankful for. So to close out 2018, here are a few things I’m celebrating:
I actually finished writing a book proposal. This was huge, and while I have yet to discover what might happen with it, I’m celebrating that I finished.
My twins are potty-trained. This also means I have only one kid in diapers. Having twins first, I never had only one kid in diapers. Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus.
My husband and I took a vacation together this summer (sans children). We couldn’t have done this without the incredible sacrifice of family willing to watch our kiddos, and we are so grateful!
I made a huge shift in my blogging and writing. If you’ve been around here for a while, maybe you’ve noticed it, but maybe you haven’t. The change has been mostly in my own mind and heart, but I hope you’ve seen a shift in these words, too. There’s a lot more I could say on this, but basically I’m working to be more intentional about what I write and create. In the process, I’ve found greater joy and purpose in my work.
I read 18 books. That’s a ton for me in this stage of motherhood. Okay, I’ve actually read 17.25 books, and I plan to frantically read the rest of a book tomorrow so I can hit my goal of 18 books in 2018! I’m hoping to post a roundup of a few favorites, too, and share what I’m planning to read in 2019!
I noticed God’s goodness more. He’s always been good, right? But as I look back on this year, I feel like I’ve seen it and tasted it more fully than in the past. It’s not been necessarily because of great circumstances or tangible blessings, although we’ve been given more of those than we ever deserve. In many ways, this year has been hard. But I’ve tasted God’s goodness in a way I missed in the past. I pray that’s true in an even deeper way this next year.
I asked for help. A lot. I’ve written about this before, but the act of asking for help has been one of the most humbling and important lessons I’ve learned in the last couple years.
I quit a lot of things. This may seem odd to put on a list of “accomplishments,” but 2018 was a year when my husband and I stepped back from a few very good things that we loved in order to rest and refuel. We’re praying about what our “reentry” may look like down the road, but letting go of several responsibilities has been so important for our marriage and family.
I could go on with more, but I’ll leave it at that. (I’ll leave you with a cocktail/mocktail recipe, too!) Another year has gone by. God has been faithful and good. Whatever 2019 brings, he’ll be faithful and good then, too.
For that I am thankful…also, coffee.
When my brother (Eric from FreshGround Roasting) first told me about this Coffee Mule, I admit I was skeptical. The combination of flavors seemed odd to me, and I couldn’t image how they’d work well together. Wow, was I wrong. This is such a refreshing drink that works well as a cocktail or a mocktail! (You can also use decaf cold brew coffee if you want to avoid the caffeine.) It’s the perfect drink to ring in 2019!
Check out the recipe below, and have a Happy New Year!
Coffee Mule
Yields 1 drink
3 ounces cold brew coffee concentrate
3 ounces ginger beer
1 ounce Rose’s sweetened lime juice
1 ounce vodka (optional)
Lime wedges for serving
In a cocktail shaker filled with ice, add the cold brew, lime juice, and vodka (if using). Shake vigorously for at least 15 seconds.
Strain into a cocktail glass or copper mug filled with crushed ice. Pour in the ginger beer. Give it a gentle stir and top with a couple lime wedges. Serve and enjoy!
Notes: You can easily adjust the proportions to your liking! If you want it sweeter, add more ginger beer or Rose’s lime juice. If I’m making this with vodka, I usually opt for an extra splash of Rose’s.
While I like this best shaken, if you’re making this for a crowd you can definitely multiply the recipe and stir all the ingredients together in a pitcher.
This post was created in partnership with FreshGround Roasting. All opinions are 100% my own.