The blog

Writings on food, faith, creativity, and family, all with the goal of helping you nourish your soul.

Welcome to my little home on the Internet! If you were in my actual house, I’d offer you a drink and start raiding the pantry for snacks so we dive into the deep stuff (I’m not great at small talk). My internet home isn’t much different–there’s food to savor and words to mull over about everything from faith to creativity to family.

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Encouragement for When You Can't See Progress

At my childhood home, we had a massive oak tree that towered over almost the entire yard. It housed squirrels and birds, provided shade as we played in the grass, and supported a tire swing we enjoyed for hours on end.

But I never noticed the tiny movements that made its branches stretch over the lawn or its roots dig deep into the earth. I never saw it grow, yet somehow that tree changed from a seed to a towering oak.

Apparently tiny movements add up.

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Encouragement, Faith and Theology Sarah Hauser Encouragement, Faith and Theology Sarah Hauser

A Hope-Filled Christmas Gift Guide! [for the weary, the home, the writer, and the planner]

It’s been a harder, stranger year than many of us expected. Maybe we’re entering the Christmas season exhausted and weary. Maybe we’re excited to have something to celebrate. But whatever you’re feeling, my guess is that we could all use a little hope.

This gift guide is meant to help with that.

From sweatshirts reminding us that the weary world can rejoice to shelves to display plants that bring life into our homes, each product in some way is meant help encourage, inspire, or refresh the recipient.

Purchasing these products will also help the people who make them. Aside from the books, each item comes from a small business–and even with the books, you can purchase from instead of Amazon to support local bookstores. Several items also support meaningful causes like helping human trafficking victims, small family-run coffee farms, or local families in need of food.

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Faith and Theology Sarah Hauser Faith and Theology Sarah Hauser

Living Out Our Faith through Prayer and in Community [James Study Week 12, James 5:13-20]

Throughout his whole letter, James has been instructing his readers to live out their faith—and he’s been especially concerned with how they do that in suffering. Look back to the very first verse of this book. James writes to Jewish believers scattered around the world (“the twelve tribes in the Dispersion”). They’re dealing with persecution and long to one day experience the restoration God promised. But in the meantime, first century life has been hard, especially as followers of Christ.

They’re also navigating divisions within the Church, divisions between Jew and Gentile, rich and poor, honored and lowly. In the middle of all of this, James calls them to a life that reflects the kingdom and the character of God. We’ve seen the practical exhortations he’s given like avoiding partiality, watching their speech, submitting desires to God, and not putting their trust in plans or possessions. Then, we reach the end of his letter, which offers a fitting conclusion to all he’s instructed God’s people to do thus far: 1) pray and 2) help one another live out the truth.

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Faith and Theology Sarah Hauser Faith and Theology Sarah Hauser

The Day of the Dead and the Giver of Life

A few days ago on my Instagram Stories, I shared someone’s post that I had come across about the Day of the Dead. I was attempting to learn and appreciate more about this Mexican holiday, but it turns out, I didn’t take the time to get all the information. The post I shared (which I’ve since taken down) made this holiday seem light-hearted, harmless, and joyful–and to be honest, I failed to do my research. My friend, Cynthia, kindly responded to me with additional information, showing me that there was more to the story.

We moved our conversation to email, and Cynthia sent me facts as well as her stories and opinions about the Day of the Dead. I realized how little I knew–and how easy it can be to believe things are harmless, when in reality, we are fighting a very real spiritual battle.

Cynthia’s words were so helpful and eye-opening, and I asked her if I could share them with you here. In the following post, she offers personal experiences, facts about the Day of the Dead, her own opinions, and then a closing story to help us to recognize the spiritual forces of evil trying to take us down. But, as she writes below, “Of course, Jesus wins. His light breaks through the darkness.”

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Faith and Theology Sarah Hauser Faith and Theology Sarah Hauser

How to Wait Well and Live with Integrity [James Study Week 11, James 5:7-12]

I’m not a farmer. This year, I managed to keep a few plants alive inside my house, but other than that and a couple summertime herbs, my agricultural experience is next to nothing. I don’t know what it’s like to rely on the weather for food. But James’ readers know this well, and here he offers a metaphor that helps them understand what it looks like to be patient as they wait. Just like a farmer has to wait for his or her crop to bear fruit and in the process waits for the rains to come, so we wait for the return of the Lord.

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Faith and Theology Sarah Hauser Faith and Theology Sarah Hauser

Plans, Possessions, and the Kingdom of God [James Study Week 10, James 4:13-5:6]

I think we can all understand this passage better after the events of 2020. We’re more aware now than we were a few months ago that our plans are not secure. Our control is an illusion, our life a mist. We truly do not know what tomorrow will bring, as James reminds us.

That may be the understatement of the year.

Right before this passage, James warned against worldliness. He reminded us that we are prone to arrogance and pride. We’re selfish and eager to spend what we’ve been given on our own passions (James 4:2-3). Instead, we’re meant to draw near to God in humble repentance (verses 6-10). Arrogance and pride are antithetical to kingdom living.

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Faith and Theology Sarah Hauser Faith and Theology Sarah Hauser

But He Gives More Grace [James Study Week 9, James 4:1-12]

When I started this series, it didn’t occur to me that I’d be writing about fights, quarrels, taming the tongue, and similar subjects during such a tense, chaotic year. I spent time studying the book of James earlier in the year, and I wanted to dive deeper into it. It’s practical, convicting, and essential for the Church. But I did not realize from the outset how relevant and how personally convicting this short book would be. Honestly, if I knew how much I’d have to wrestle with James’ words in my own life and the responsibility of sharing them on my blog, I’m not sure I would have undertaken this project.

Thankfully, God knew I needed this, and it’s sure been a humbling process. I found that to be especially true as I studied this section.

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Faith and Theology Sarah Hauser Faith and Theology Sarah Hauser

Bitter Jealousy, Selfish Ambition, and the Meekness of Wisdom [James Study Week 8, James 3:13-18]

Meekness isn’t exactly a highly valued trait in our society. Independence. Strength. Courage. Fortitude. We tend, at least in the United States, to admire those qualities. But meekness? And the meekness of wisdom? Not so much.

But James tells us that true wisdom isn’t about just knowing things. It’s not about shouting more loudly than the person next to us. True wisdom comes from a faith rooted in God and shows itself through our conduct and our humility.

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Faith and Theology Sarah Hauser Faith and Theology Sarah Hauser

Why Do We Need to Watch the Way We Speak? [James Study Week 7, James 3:1-12]

When I was a kid, nearly every time my brother and I got in an argument or said something mean to each other (which was often), my mom would quote Ephesians 4:29 to us. It was infuriating, because I couldn’t justify my harsh words while she was reciting Scripture (I’m sure I tried, though). Paul wrote, “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen” (NIV).

I rolled my eyes at my mom plenty when she said those words. But that verse has stuck with me more than almost any other. Paul told the church in Ephesus that our speech matters. It can build up or tear down the ones we’re speaking to—and others around us who are listening.

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Faith and Theology Sarah Hauser Faith and Theology Sarah Hauser

True Faith Does Something [James Study Week 6, James 2:14-26]

This is a meaty passage of Scripture, one that’s given Christians some trouble. Doesn’t James contradict what Paul says? Paul says we’re justified by grace alone through faith (Ephesians 2:8), but yet here James seems to say the exact opposite (James 2:24). So what’s going on?

We’re going to look at three aspects of James’ argument—first, his example of how we treat the poor, second, his argument about demons, and third, what he means by “justified.” As we look at each of these components of his argument, I think we’ll see clearly that James doesn’t disagree with Paul. Both agree that an inactive faith is really no faith at all.

True faith does something.

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Faith and Theology Sarah Hauser Faith and Theology Sarah Hauser

Learning to Love Our Neighbor [James Study Week 5, James 2:1-13]

We are all desperately in need of God, and when we favor some because of the way they look or how much they earn or whatever our worldly measuring stick says, two things happen. First, we rebel against the character and work of God. And second, we fail to love our neighbor.

Instead, God’s people are to live in a way that reflects his character and his kingdom. That means we love our neighbor and avoid showing partiality.

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Faith and Theology Sarah Hauser Faith and Theology Sarah Hauser

Living Out a Changed Life [James Study Week 4, James 1:19-27]

I am starting to think this 12-week series could have been a year-long series. Every week I come to the set of verses for the week and wonder how in the world we’ll cover them in one post (which I couldn’t even do last week and had to break the content into two posts). The Word of God is so, so rich, and we could study this a thousand times and not exhaust all there is to learn and meditate on. But while we won’t be able to grasp all there is to learn, we can still take small, meaningful steps in the right direction.

In the first chapter of his letter, James has laid out a bird’s eye view of many of the topics he’ll bring up again. He reminds his readers to be joyful and steadfast in their trials, because there’s a reward that will be worth all the struggle. And along our Christian journey, we’ll face trials and temptations that threaten to bring us down and lead us in the wrong direction. Yet we must consistently choose to follow our good God, trusting him and demonstrating that trust by putting that faith into action.

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